kula ziemska w maseczce ochronnej

Welfare and health technologies - Implementation of product innovation by the company Mind Consulting Jakub Zielinski

Operational Program Intelligent Development

6.2 Support for SMEs in the area of digitization - Vouchers for digitization

Value of the project:
297 900,00 zł

EU funding:
253 215,00 zł

Zdjęcie miniaturka przedstawiające panele słoneczne

Improving the Energy Efficiency of the Enterprise

Regional Operational Program of the Lublin Province 2014-2020

5.1 Improving energy efficiency of enterprises

Value of the project:
329 684,23 zł,

EU funding:
174 223,37 zł,

Zdjęcie miniaturka przedstawiające osobę piszącą na klawiaturze laptopa

Increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise by implementing the results of research and development work through product innovation

Regional Operational Program of the Lublin Province 2014-2020

3.7 Increasing the competitiveness of SMEs

Value of the project:
3 002 258,84 zł,

EU funding:
1 682 890,96 zł,

Zdjęcie miniaturka przedstawiające butelki szczepionek covid

Support for working capital financing due to the deterioration of the company as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic

Regional Operational Program of the Lublin Province 2014-2020

3.7 Increasing the competitiveness of SMEs

Value of the project:
40 764,39 zł,

EU funding:
40 764,39 zł,

Zdjęcie miniaturka przedstawiające kod programistyczny

Increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise by implementing the results of research and development work through product innovation

Regional Operational Program of the Lublin Province 2014-2020

3.7 Increasing the competitiveness of SMEs

Value of the project:
3 002 258,84 zł,

EU funding:
1 682 890,96 zł,

Zdjęcie miniaturka przedstawiające kulę ziemską wśród roślin

Internationalization of products of the company Mind Consulting Jakub Zielinski

Eastern Poland Operational Program

1.2 Internationalization of SMEs

Value of the project:
632 913,72 zł

EU funding:
437 379,40 zł

Zdjęcie miniaturka przedstawiające osoby opracowujące statystyki

Implementation and commercialization of the results of R&D work within the enterprise Mind Consulting Jakub Zielinski - NESPO

Operational Program Intelligent Development

3.2 Support for implementation of R&D results

Value of the project:
5 423 988,00 zł

EU funding:
2 758 970,00 zł

Zdjęcie miniaturka przedstawiające osobę niepełnosprawną w towarzystwie innych osób i urządzeń technologicznych

Welfare and health technologies - Implementation of product innovation by the company Mind Consulting Jakub Zielinski

19 Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021

19.1 New Products and Investments

19.1.3 Technologies to improve quality of life - Welfare and health technologies

Value of the project:
3 141 100.02 zł

Co-financing from the Norwegian Funds:
1 287 210.00 zł

The Norwegian and EEA Funds represent Norway's contribution to creating a green, competitive and inclusive Europe. Under the Norwegian Funds and the EEA, Norway contributes to reducing social and economic inequalities and strengthening bilateral relations with beneficiary countries from Central and Southern Europe and the Baltic Sea area. Norway cooperates closely with the EU under the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA). Together with other donors, Norway provided €3.3 billion under successive fund programs between 1994 and 2014.
The Norway Grants are financed exclusively by Norway and are available in countries that joined the EU after 2003. The Norway Grants for 2014-2021 amount to EUR 1.25 billion. The priorities for this period are:
#1 innovation, research, education, competitiveness and decent work;
#2 social integration, youth employment and poverty reduction;
#3 environment, energy, climate change and low-carbon economy;
#4 culture, civil society, good governance and fundamental rights;
#5 justice and home affairs.

Order for the project: Welfare and health technologies – Implementation of product innovation by Mind Consulting Jakub Zieliński

Order name: "Development of a coherent Fixmee Plus IT system, including a mobile and web application along with the creation of a dedicated website"
Type of contracting authority
Other type: Beneficiary under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism for 2014-2021
Budget under the order (announcement publication number 337276-2023) entitled "Development of a coherent Fixmee Plus IT system including a mobile and web application along with the creation of a dedicated website" implemented by Mind Consulting Jakub Zieliński amounts to PLN 2,185,710.00 gross. 
Order attachments: 

Together we work for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe

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Przedsiębiorstwo MIND CONSULTING JAKUB ZIELIŃSKI zrealizowało inwestycję ze wsparciem w postaci pożyczki preferencyjnej, udzielonej przez Lubelski Regionalny Fundusz Rozwoju ze środków pochodzących z Funduszy Europejskich