Together we work for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe
Celem podstawowym i głównym projektu jest zwiększenie konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstwa. Cel podstawowy zostanie zrealizowany poprzez cele szczegółowe określone przez Wnioskodawcę, czyli opracowanie i wdrożenie wyników pracy badawczo-rozwojowej za sprawą innowacyjnego produktu, tym samym świadcząc usługi oparte o nowoczesne technologie oraz zwiększenie ekspansywności przedsiębiorstwa na nowych rynkach, w szczególności poprzez wzmacnianie stosunków dwustronnych z Norwegią, zwiększenie zatrudnienia w przedsiębiorstwie oraz wzrost przychodów i zysków firmy. Poprzez realizację projektu nastąpi opracowanie i wdrożenie innowacyjnego produktu “Fixmee Plus”, który odpowiada na oczekiwania przede wszystkim grup defaworyzowanych(osoby starsze, osoby niepełnosprawne ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem osób z bezwładem kończyn dolnych, osoby po amputacjach kończyn). Zwiększenie konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstwa nastąpi poprzez umiędzynarodowienie produktu na skalę międzynarodową za pomocą systemów deweloperskich Google App oraz IOS, rozszerzając tym samym działalność na skalę globalną mi.n. na zupełnie nowych rynkach – Norwegia, Stany Zjednoczone, Wielka Brytania, Hiszpania. System docelowo będzie dostępny w języku norweskim, angielskim, francuskim, niemieckim, włoskim, hiszpańskim oraz rosyjskim, rozwinięcie systemu w siedmiu dodatkowych językach znacząco zwiększa pozyskanie nowych klientów systemu poza granicami rynku krajowego, tym samym rozszerzając działalność na skalę międzynarodową. Stworzenie innowacyjnego oprogramowania “Fixmee Plus” opartego na technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnej, w celu rozwoju sektora usług sportowych/medycznych oraz sektora IT przyczyni się do zwiększenia konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstwa, co jest zgodne z głównym celem Norweskiego Mechanizmu Finansowego na lata 2014-2021, tym samym wzmacniając stosunki dwustronne pomiędzy Norwegią a Państwami – Beneficjentami. Zaplanowano w ramach projektu opracowanie systemu również w tłumaczeniu na język norweski, wraz z tłumaczeniami, audiodeskrypcją, lektorem w powyższym języku. Przedmiot wdrożenia to innowacyjny system do prowadzenia zdalnych planów rehabilitacyjnych, treningowych, profilaktycznych i wzmacniających, w szczególności uwzględniając osoby z grup defaworyzowanych.
The target groups of the communication plan were identified on the basis of the adopted goals: general and specific, described above.
The first group is the beneficiaries of the "Fixmee Plus" system, that is, in particular, people from disadvantaged groups (elderly people, people with disabilities, including with special attention to people with lower limb inertia, people affected by paralysis or loss of a limb(regardless of the degree of amputation, since the system assumes individual determination of the degree of amputation).
The second separate group is Users who receive rehabilitation or physiotherapy services. We are talking about people who have suffered or have suffered an injury/injury, or are active in sports and need an appropriate prevention and strengthening plan to prevent the occurrence of a "typical" injury for a particular type of sport.
The third group, are medical service providers such as orthopedic doctor, medical rehabilitation doctor, sports medicine doctor, physiotherapist, physical therapist, physiotherapist, and facilities providing the above services, including public institutions of Social Security and PFRON and their counterparts in foreign markets, scientific and research units, scientific units, especially taking into account institutions operating in the Donor's territory.
Another group is the local community and the last group is the wider media.
The information and communication strategy for the "Fixmee Plus" project has three tiers. The first stage of pre-implementation, implementation and full implementation.
The above stages correlate with three levels of activity: local, national and international.
The information and communication strategy at the pre-implementation stage is planned from the 1/10/2020 to 31/08/2023.
The second implementation phase is scheduled for the period from 31/08/2023. until 2024-03-31
The third phase is planned for the period from 2024-03-31 do 31.03.2030 r.
The schedule for the implementation of the communication plan will be updated and posted on the company's website.
Each stage of implementation has a specific activity concerning: disseminating knowledge about the Program, informing about the project and its results and the Fund's contribution, including ensuring appropriate visualization of the Program.
The phasing in the above communication plan does not limit individual activities but intensifies them from stage to stage and supplements the above plan with other communication instruments.
Pierwszy etap ma za zadanie rozpoczęcie kampanii informacyjnej, jest to jeden z podstawowych etapów, ponieważ skupia się w dużej mierze na regionie Wnioskodawcy, dodatkowo ma za zadanie pełnego przekazania informacji podmiotom wymienionym w grupie docelowej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem Darczyńcy oraz innym podmiotom niewymienionym, kampania ma charakter ogólny. Pełne zaangażowanie strategii lokalnej dla systemu “Fixmee Plus”, ma na celu rozpoczęcie pierwszego etapu realizacji, czyli od momentu rekomendacji przez PARP do momentu utworzenia przez Wykonawcę systemu.
After this period, the local campaign will be intensified. An information/consultation/promotional campaign will be carried out at each stage, taking into account satisfaction surveys and opinions of various target groups. Each element of the above campaigns will have the broadest possible information about the Norway Fund. Above all, information/promotional activities will be intensified among potential recipients from the Donor country during the implementation and full implementation stage. The planned communication activities are universal in scope (press, announcements, information materials), which will be targeted to the needs of potential beneficiaries and stakeholder groups, which will be broad enough to make the information widely available. The communication plan will be subject to ongoing monitoring, in case of receiving from the community (or other entities), in the framework of feedback communication during the implementation of activities, information about problems, or insufficient effectiveness of activities, the communication plan will be subject to correction. The planned activities, among others, are: information campaign on the main assumptions of the project and the Scheme, articles in the press and in the media(national, regional and industry), broadcasting of radio and/or TV shows/spots, information activities on the company's website, information on social networks, announcements at the company's headquarters, as well as the use of e-mail.
Deadlines for Tasks:
Task I - Implementation of development work with consulting services
The task "Implementation of development work with consulting services" concerns the complete development of the "Fixmee Plus" system, extending the research currently carried out by the Applicant with research and development work performed by a scientific unit on the use of, among other things, intelligent algorithms to support the efficiency of work, diagnosis and monitoring of the results achieved by patients/users for analysis by Specialists. Another activity planned under the task is a consulting service for the final development and verification of the technical documentation of the "Fixmee Plus" product, which will be the basis for the execution and implementation of the technology-based system in a commercial setting. After that, the implementation of the technology service is planned, as well as the software testing service.
Task start date - 01/06/2021
Task completion date - 2024-03-31
Task II - Implementation of development work with consulting services and purchase of fixed assets
Under "Task II" for the implementation of development work with services consulting and purchase of fixed assets, its implementation is scheduled from 01/02/2022 to 31/08/2023. The task includes carrying out an effective procedure for the selection of a contractor for technology services and the purchase of other intangible assets(audiovisual materials and training/rehabilitation/prophylactic/reinforcement plans), including the preparation and purchase of normative documentation, the development of a website. It was also planned to use consulting services to achieve the goals, including, among others, developing a marketing strategy for Fixmee Plus, as well as taking steps to protect the trademark. The task at this stage includes the purchase of computer sets for three newly created workstations.
Data rozpoczęcia zadania – 01/02/2022
Task completion date - 2024-03-31
Material and financial schedule
Task I - Implementation of development work with consulting services
- Advice on the development of technical documentation of the system (data issuance of FV 08.04.2022) - realized, the date of realization of the cost 01.03.2022. - 08.04.2022 r.
- Research and development (date of issuance of FV 28.02.2022) - realized, The date of implementation of the cost 01.06.2021. - 30.03.2022 r.
- Technology service - completed by 31.08.2023.
- Innovation support service for system testing by the unit External - implemented in accordance with the HRF, until 31.03.2024.
Task II - Implementation of development work with consulting services and purchase of resources permanent
- Computer set - realized (FV dated 01.03.2022) - from 01.02.2022 to. 31.03.2022 r.
- Development of a dedicated website with CMS - completed by 31.08.2023.
- Rehabilitation/prophylactic plans
/reinforcing/training - realized by 31.03.2024 r. - Audio-visual materials - 31.03.2024 r.
- Normative documentation - from 01.09.2022 to 31.10.2022.
- Developing a marketing strategy for Fixmee Plus - from 01/08/2022 to. 31.10.2022 r.
- Innovation support services for marking, testing or certification Mark trademark/trademark - intellectual property protection - from 01.08.2022 to 30.09.2022.
Progress update:
All planned cost items were realized in accordance with the WoD.
To date, tasks to the value of EUR 299,853.24 have been completed.
In accordance with the application for funding NORW.19.01.03-06-0003/20 and the communication policy, a conference was held in connection with the signed UPW-NORW.19.01.03-06-0003/20-00 Agreement. The opening event in the form of a conference was held on 25.08.2021 at the additional project site, Cube Squash & Fitness sports club at 7 Mackiewicza Street in Lublin. The choice of this venue was dictated by the fact that it is a place with a high transmission rate of people. The conference was led by the owner of the company, Jakub Zielinski, and the manager, Marcin Blonski. The conference was about discussing and presenting the objectives, the shape of the project, the target groups, the communication plan, introducing the Donor and discussing the objectives of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism, the challenges faced by the Beneficiary, discussing the developed material and financial schedule. The conference was attended by more than 40 people, including representatives of target groups. In addition, a conference was held on 04/08/2023 to announce the selection of the Contractor for the main subject of the contract and a conference to summarize the implementation of the project on 08/04/2024.
Training on horizontal principles was conducted during and after project implementation, especially for those newly hired for project implementation. The first introductory training was held in March 2022, with further training held in October 2022 and June 2023.
The technical and R&D documentation takes into account, among other things, the principles of WCAG 2.1. On the website, information about the project has been placed in such a way as not to discriminate against any social group and to allow access to information for all interested persons. The sports facility included in the project is currently accessible to people with disabilities.
Requests for quotations from the Beneficiary,job advertisements, as well as information on the website do not have signs that would indicate discrimination or unequal treatment of women and men, does not discriminate against users on the basis of age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, disability.
The images used on the website do not duplicate stereotype content, taking into account social diversity. The design follows the principles of neutral planning, i.e. flexibility of use, simple operation, noticeable information, tolerance of errors.
Among other things, informational materials have been realized in the development of pro-environmental awareness. These are articles primarily of the following nature: respect for nature and not taking actions that worsen the environment, maintaining the best use of natural resources, the impact of human activity on the environment and examples of taking action to improve the local environment, ways to segregate waste to enable recycling, as well as ways to save water and energy (e.g., aerators for bathroom faucets were used, energy-saving lighting was installed).
Among other things, information and promotional materials for direct marketing in the form of posters, flyers, and a draft advertisement in the trade press were realized. Information on the Program, the Donor and the Project is displayed at two sites.